Debbie-Anne Whyte

Name: Debbie-Anne Whyte

Age: Dirty 30++

Hometown: Kingston, Jamaica

How long have you been Cross Fitting? More off than on since 2015 but consistently from Feb 2018 so this month is my 1 year anniversary.
What is your favorite WOD/Exercise? AMRAP, TABATA, cleans + jerks, and WOD’S that I can breath and drink some H2O in between workouts.
What is your least favorite WOD/Exercise? Running, running and more running, anything with endurance and WOD’s that go beyond 20 mins
What is your previous workout/athletic background? Just high school, nothing after, the last gym I joined, I payed 1 year membership and just looked at equipment and never went back. 
What was your first experience at CrossFit Cayman like? I was sore, had to do physio, didn’t go back for 1 month, well this was 2nd experience. but on the bright side I learned some basic moves in foundation with Nikki who was great, always telling me how I was a natural . Then the rest is history….now I look forward to my daily rush.
What results have you seen since CrossFitting? Weight loss, muscle gain I think, definitely stronger. My knees use to hurt going up and down the stairs, now I can run up and down. I can do pull ups, push ups and handstand without the push up. 

What do you do to get yourself through a tough workout (mental thoughts, tips and tricks, etc.)? Well I like to stay at the back of the gym so I can look at Renata or Aaron or anyone else that is moving faster so I can try and keep up with then, (well that’s what I tell myself). I use to look at the WOD’s and then decide if I should tackle it or not, but then I changed that perspective and just said all workouts can be scaled if I don’t die or the time will just run out then I can stop.
What’s your favorite aspect about working out at CrossFit Cayman? Of course the coaches Matt, Tarasa are magnificent, because I’m a nooner Nathan is my main coach who likes to tell me put some weight on that bar or Debbie you cannot row you have to run and more recently Amanda has joined the team. They are always overseeing you to make sure you stay safe. The member’s are also a great encouragement to give that extra push to finish workout or to go beyond what you think you can.

What advice do you have for someone thinking about joining CrossFit Cayman? When people ask me what gym I go to and I tell them, they are like ‘Oh you have to be in shape to crossfit’ and that was my thoughts too when my boss gave me a 3 month membership for my birthday. I didn’t know I would get to the level that I am at now, but crossfit is for all ages and levels of fitness because the exercises are tailored to what you can do. CrossFit Cayman is a great gym to join to help you get to your fitness goals and in shape in a family friendly environment.
