Alessandro "Sandro" Sax

Name: Alessandro “Sandro” Sax

 Age: 39 (Unfortunately)

 Hometown:  Toronto

 How long have you been CrossFitting? 6 Years

 What is your favorite WOD/Exercise? Lumberjack 20 / Push Press

 What is your least favorite WOD/Exercise? Fran / Burpees over Bar

 What is your previous workout/athletic background? I’ve always gone to the gym and played sports growing up.

 What was your first experience at CrossFit Cayman like? I was thrilled/relieved to have found a true CrossFit box in Cayman. Everyone was friendly and welcoming. I particularly enjoyed the noncompetitive atmosphere fostered by longtime member AB. It’s never about who has the better score, it's all about participating! 

What results have you seen since CrossFitting? I credit CrossFit with keeping me fit into my old age. Overall I’d say I’m stronger and more functional then when I started.

 What do you do to get yourself through a tough workout (mental thoughts, tips and tricks, etc.)? The last thing I do is think about it! One rep at a time kind of thing. Plus if Nate (Masters ++ Athlete) can do it, so can I.

 What's your favorite aspect about working out at CrossFit Cayman?  Definitely the camaraderie! Some days you just don’t feel like picking up the bar, but the other members help push you through it!

 What advice do you have for someone thinking about joining CrossFit Cayman? Just start! I promise it’s not as scary as it looks. Before you know it, weeks turn into months and you’ll be hitting new PR’s and using the CrossFit lingo! Also, don’t get too frustrated at the beginning. All things worthwhile take time and CrossFit is no exception.

Matthew Barnett