Vanessa Foster

Name: Vanessa Foster

How long have you been CrossFitting?

I have been CrossFitting for 1.5 years with a brief maternity break. 

What is your favorite WOD/exercise?

My favorite exercise is the strict pull-up - it’s my favorite party trick. I love the simplicity of the movement juxtaposed with the complexity of the strength it requires. I like thrusters, too, so I really enjoyed my first Fran workout earlier this year. 

What is your least favorite WOD?

My least favorite WOD is one that involves snatches, which I find incredibly challenging. I’m excited to have recently started extra coaching with Matt to work on correct form, so I’m sure I’ll be the next American snatch record holder by Christmas. 

What is your previous workout/athletic background? Unless you count Beer Olympics, I have no athletic background. I joined a gym and hired a personal trainer not long after moving to the Cayman Islands and realizing that everyone here is ridiculously fit and healthy. CrossFit has taken me to the next level and I’m as fit as the health nuts I mocked all those years ago.

What was your first experience at CrossFit Cayman like?

My first experience at CrossFit Cayman was as thrilling as it was terrifying. I embraced the discomfort of attempting something brand new, asked an annoying amount of questions, and before I knew it I was dropping CrossFit lingo faster than you can say AMRAP. 

What results have you seen since CrossFitting?

I never thought I’d be stronger after having kids than before. Functional strength comes in handy when wrangling temperamental toddlers is your full-time job. Also, “healthy body, healthy mind” has never rang more true. Even after a grueling workout I feel more sound of mind than at any other point in a given day. 

What do you do to get yourself through a tough workout?

I bug Nathan until he gets a good playlist going. A good playlist is EVERYTHING in a tough workout. I also remind myself that the post-workout endorphin rush is imminent and worth the extra push. 

What's your favorite aspect about working out at CrossFit Cayman?

CrossFit Cayman is incredibly welcoming and inclusive. I recently convinced my husband to join, and despite him and I being opposites as far as exercising goes (i.e. group fitness is his worst nightmare and working out is a chore) he, too, loves the atmosphere and community feel. The coaches are incredibly knowledgeable and know precisely how to guide us toward our individual goals. 

What advice do you have for someone thinking about joining CrossFit Cayman?

Think no further. Joining CrossFit Cayman is a no-brainer. CrossFit alone is awesome because it doesn’t require you to supplement with additional forms of exercise. It targets all areas of fitness and is the complete package. Couple that with a group of coaches and badass individuals who don’t fear judgment for looking absolutely ridiculous whilst walking through Camana Bay carrying a 45lb plate overhead (and who cheer each other on in the process) and you’ve found yourself CrossFit Cayman.

Matthew Barnett