Paris Goldsbury

Name: Paris Goldsbury

Age: 33

Hometown: Leicestershire, UK

How long have you been CrossFitting? 8 months

What is your favorite WOD/Exercise? Anything that involves running or some sort of barbell clean.

What is your least favorite WOD/Exercise? Toes to bar! They look far easier than they actually are.

What is your previous workout/athletic background? I've always been active but never consistent in anything but running. CrossFit is the first thing that's been able to repeatedly get me out of bed before 7am.

What was your first experience at CrossFit Cayman like? Everyone was really welcoming and friendly. The coaches were great in explaining the technique of each exercise so it was far less intimidating than I thought it would be. I was instantly hooked.

What results have you seen since CrossFitting? I'm definitely stronger. Lifting any sort of weight is not something I'd really done before, but now I enjoy it much more than the standard cardio I used to do.

What do you do to get yourself through a tough workout (mental thoughts, tips and tricks, etc.)? Counting. I split the workout into sections and count down. And try to focus on that and not how much my arms or legs feel like they're about to fall off.

What's your favorite aspect about working out at CrossFit Cayman? The coaches. They're all really encouraging and knowledgeable, with a great balance of making sure you don't hurt yourself, while calling you out if they think you can push harder.

What advice do you have for someone thinking about joining CrossFit Cayman?Just try it. It's incredibly inclusive and much more accessible than I thought it would be. Give it a couple of sessions and I guarantee you'll keep coming back.

Matthew Barnett