Robert Riley-Gledhill

Name: Robert Riley-Gledhill

Age: 32

Hometown: Halifax, West Yorkshire

How long have you been CrossFitting? Four and a half months.

 What is your favorite WOD/Exercise? Combinations of deadlifts, pushups and running. Having only been doing this a number of months, I can't say I know or recognize the signature workouts just yet, but hopefully that will come with time.

What is your least favorite WOD/Exercise? Overhead squats. Having had some shoulder issues in the past it does feel slightly awkward still but I think attempts to increase my mobility and flexibility will bring me confidence in doing this movement in the coming months.

What is your previous workout/athletic background? I used to row when at University but that is over ten years ago now. Before I moved here I used to play football two or three times a week but since being on island, my previous job commitments led me to doing virtually no exercise which I am grateful has changed.

What was your first experience at CrossFit Cayman like? Matt's initial speech I found very inspiring and when it came to the first workout, it was without doubt one of the hardest pieces of physical exertion I have engaged in. I think the workout involved box jumps, push press and a run; but being so out of shape coming into it I fatigued very quickly but the endorphins I felt after, was absolutely worth it.

What results have you seen since CrossFitting? To date, I have lost 16lb and would like to lose another 8-10lb before the end of the year. Lockdown certainly didn't do me any favours but CrossFit allowed me to undo most of that damage quite quickly by implementing subtle but highly effective lifestyle changes.

What do you do to get yourself through a tough workout (mental thoughts, tips and tricks, etc.)? I try and focus on the music or breakdown a large set into slightly smaller sets to give myself a second or two to try and get some air.

What's your favorite aspect about working out at CrossFit Cayman? The coaches are top class. I am probably quite annoying in the way I ask so many (probably trivial) questions but the coaches no matter what time of the day are very happy to help. The location is great and all of the other members share a similar mindset and approach to the gym which adds to the very positive atmosphere. 

What advice do you have for someone thinking about joining CrossFit Cayman? I would say give it a try, there are people of all abilities who do it. Three years ago I used to see a bunch of people running on a Saturday morning outside the gym and around Camana Bay when I used to kid myself that I was working out elsewhere. I never really saw any results until I took the decision to sign up and I honestly wish I had done so much sooner.

Matthew Barnett