Curtis Wilson

Name: Curtis Wilson

Age: 40

Hometown:  Palm Bay, Florida

How long have you been CrossFitting? 6 months

What is your favorite WOD/Exercise? I enjoy doing push-ups, running and kipping pull-ups so I like WODs like “Cindy” and “Helen”.

What is your least favorite WOD/Exercise?  I generally dislike doing snatches so my least favorite WOD would be “Isabel”.

What is your previous workout/athletic background? I play a lot of different sports, but when it comes to working out I've always gone to "traditional" gyms. I've generally seen results but would find myself in a cycle of doing the same exercises on the same days and never really pushing myself. A friend convinced me to try CrossFit knowing I was looking for something different.

What was your first experience at CrossFit Cayman like? My first experience was an eye opener. It really highlighted the weaknesses in my strength and athleticism which, in turn, motivated me to stick with CrossFit and become more fit!

What results have you seen since CrossFitting? The strength in my legs has definitely increased. Having run the Cayman Islands Half-Marathon for several years, this past December was the first time I was able to run the entire race without stopping, which I know is a direct effect of my strengthened lower body.

What do you do to get yourself through a tough workout (mental thoughts, tips and tricks, etc.)? I tend to break workouts down into stages in my head in order to get over each mental hurdle. Rather than seeing 70 push-up on the white board, I see 7 rounds of 10, etc.

What's your favorite aspect about working out at CrossFit Cayman? The members and coaching staff, of course! It's cliche', I know, but it's true. There is a real family feel when you enter the gym which I enjoy and appreciate.

What advice do you have for someone thinking about joining CrossFit Cayman? Definitely give it a try! Whether you're just getting started in your fitness journey or are looking to mix things up, there is something for everyone at CrossFit Cayman

Matthew Barnett