Ashlyn Statham

Name: Ashlyn Statham

Age: 26

Hometown:  Palestine, Texas

How long have you been CrossFitting? About 5 years 

What is your favorite WOD/Exercise? My all time favorite WOD is Annie and my favorite exercise would be a tie between Handstand pushups and Toes to bar!What is your least favorite WOD/Exercise? 100% Wallballs (short girl problems) and rowing/assault bike.

What is your previous workout/athletic background?  In highschool I participated in Track and Cross country all 4 years and Powerlifting for 1 year. After highschool I did half marathons frequently, but wanted to get my strength back, so that's when I decided to start doing CrossFit in 2016. 

What was your first experience at CrossFit Cayman like? It was amazing! I had just gotten out of quarantine, and they modified the WODs appropriately, so that I could ease my way back into working out at the intensity I was used to. The coaches and athletes welcomed me with open arms and have encouraged me and my fitness journey since then. 

What was your first experience at CrossFit Cayman like? It was amazing! I had just gotten out of quarantine, and they modified the WODs appropriately, so that I could ease my way back into working out at the intensity I was used to. The coaches and athletes welcomed me with open arms and have encouraged me and my fitness journey since then. 

What results have you seen since CrossFitting? I've seen my strength improve so much as well as my confidence level. When first starting, I had so many doubts in myself because I was so small, but as I continued with CrossFit I had so many people surrounding me and cheering me on, that I was able to build my strength and lift WAY more than I would have ever imagined. Starting CrossFit has taught me that it is not about looking a certain way, but about being the best you that you can be, and setting yourself up for a healthy functional lifestyle for years to come. 

What do you do to get yourself through a tough workout (mental thoughts, tips and tricks, etc.)? I tell myself  "you pay to do this, so keep going" :) but really, I just think of how great I feel after the WOD and throughout the day, so that motivates me to keep going and give it my all.

What's your favorite aspect about working out at CrossFit Cayman? Community!! It was my first open here in Cayman and the workout had muscle ups in it. I didn't think I could do one, but during the workout there was a crowd of fellow athletes around to cheer me on that motivated me to try, which helped me succeed in not only doing 1 muscle up but 5!  :)

What advice do you have for someone thinking about joining CrossFit Cayman? DO it! CrossFit helps to keep your goals in mind and constantly strive to be the best you can be! You also meet a ton of great people along the way ;)

Matthew Barnett